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Filters: Jones, Blondie, Gibson, Juanita, Spirituals, Rollins College (Winter Park, Fla.) -- Buildings, Students, YMCA of the USA, Ballard, Hank -- Midnighters (Musical group), France, Royal, 1883 - 1962, Cameron, Otis, King, Martin Luther, Jr., (1929-1968), Brandon, Guilda, Journalists, College students--Social life and customs--20th century Clear filters
Rollins College | Text
All De Live Long Day Program, 1934
All De Live Long Day, a program of African American folklore, music, and dance, was the second of two productions by Zora Neale Hurston to be performed on the Rollins campus during the 1930s.Learn more -
Rollins College | Image
Black Student Union, 1972-1973
Twenty Black Student Union members pose for their student organization’s yearbook photograph. This is the first Black Student Union photograph included in the Tomokan yearbook. Back row: Krisita Jackson, Theda James, Deborah Coleman, Brenda Martin, Reggie Brock, Blanche Jackson, Lonnie Butler, Otis Cameron, Rodney Dowling. Middle row: Lorraine Powell, Marcus Wilson, Grace Borom, Juanita Gibson, Jennifer Matthews, Roxwell Robinson, Arlinda Staley. Front row: Guilda Brandon, Theotis Bronson, Constance Blackman, Errol Cunningham.Learn more -
Rollins College | Image
Black Student Union, 1974-1975
Thirteen members of the Black Student Union gather for their yearbook photo. They are seated on the steps of Bush Science Center. (First row, left to right): Douglas Pollard, Denise Brookins, Blondie Jones, Priscilla Lyons, Roxwell Robinson. (Second row, left to right): Vic Crumity, Errol Cunningham, Willie Flowers, Dick Twine, Roslyn Lawson, Luther Graham, Kimberly Broxton, Sharon Israel.Learn more -
Rollins College | Image
Black Student Union, 1975-1976
Fourteen Black Student Union members pose for their student organization’s yearbook photograph. (First row, left to right): Blondie Jones, Priscilla Lyons, Debbie Mitchell, Kim Broxton, Denise Brookins, Rosalyn Lawson. (Second row, left to right): Aaron Spencer, Roxwell Robinson, Tim Graddy, Dirk Twine, Willie Hicks, Victor Crumity, Doug Pollard, Luther Graham.Learn more -
Rollins College | Image
Black Student Union, 1976-1977
(First row, left to right): Sharon Israel, Kim Broxton, Debbie Mitchell, Roslyn Lawson, Blondie Jones, Denise Brookins, Gloria Allen. (Second row, left to right): Victor Crawford, Clyde Clark, Thomas Francis, Gigi Morgan, Luther Graham, Rodney Akins, Kirk Twine. Fourteen Black Student Union members gather around a sofa for their yearbook picture. This is the fourth such yearbook photograph of Black Student Union members gathered for their student organization picture.Learn more -
W & L University | Text
FCC [Faculty Committee on Christian Work] Report to Faculty Meeting, November 6, 1961 (report)
This report from the Faculty Committee on Christian Work outlines the Board of Trustees' decision to bar the University Committee on Christian Work from inviting Martin Luther King, Jr. to speak at the 1961-1962 Seminars in Religion.Learn more -
Centre College | Image
Homecoming dance, 1964
Centre College students dancing at the 1964 Homecoming dance, with Grammy-nominated Hank Ballard and the Midnighters performing. The 1964-65 school year was the first offical year of racial integration for the College.Learn more -
Rollins College | Image
Knowles Memorial Chapel, 1935
The outside of Knowles Memorial Chapel, three years after it had been dedicated in 1932 as a desegregated building.Learn more -
W & L University | Text
Letter from Mrs. E.M. Owen to the Board of Trustees (November 30, 1961)
In this handwritten letter, a Mrs. E. M. Owen writes the Board of Trustees expressing her disdain at the possibility of Martin Luther King, Jr. speaking at Washington and Lee. She also urges the Trustees to examine the faculty and weed out the communists.Learn more -
W & L University | Text
Letter from the National Student Council of the YMCA to Francis P. Gaines (April 13, 1954)
This letter from YMCA secretary L. Maynard Catchings invites Washington and Lee President Gaines to call upon the services of the YMCA in desegregating the University. Gaines replies, stating that he will get in touch if assistance is desired.Learn more -
W & L University | Text
Letter from the National Student Council of the YMCA to Francis P. Gaines (May 18, 1954)
This letter is a follow-up to an April 13, 1954 letter from National Student Council of the YMCA secretary L. Maynard Catchings.�Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
Memo from Hamilton Holt to Royal France, 1946
In a memo to Prof. Royal France, President Holt and Treasurer E. T. Brown recommend that no African Americans should be permitted to use the Harper-Shepherd Field while it is not being used by Rollins College. The message shows that the college is trying to determine its position on involvement with local African Americans and their ability to be on Rollins- owned grounds.Learn more -
W & L University | Text
Memorandum from Frank A. Parsons to Fred C. Cole: Sequence of Developments in the Handling of the Admissions Announcement by the Press
This memorandum outlines the process through which the story of the admissions decision went from an article in the Ring-Tum Phi to national news.Learn more -
Rollins College | Image
Recreation Hall, 1936
Exterior of the Recreation Hall, where Zora Neale Hurston produced her play, "From Sun to Sun" in 1933.Learn more