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Filters: Grover, Edwin Osgood, 1870-1965, Israel, Sharon, Demographic surveys, Rollins College -- Clubs and Activities -- Black Student Union, College students, Association of American Law Schools, James, Theda, Rollins College (Winter Park, Fla.) -- Students -- Chemistry, Moving image, Text Clear filters
Rollins College | Text
All De Live Long Day Program, 1934
All De Live Long Day, a program of African American folklore, music, and dance, was the second of two productions by Zora Neale Hurston to be performed on the Rollins campus during the 1930s.Learn more -
Centre College | Text
Amidst the Trivia...Advisory Board Condems ‘White Sheets’ Dispute
Reporting on the Advisory Board meeting, during which was discussed, among other things (including the Yerkes lounge to be used by the BSU), the incident involving the Dekes wearing white sheets at the BSU basketball game, and ensuing confrontation between Dekes and members of the BSU at Cowan which resulted in a member of the Deke fraternity being injured after being struck by a glass by a member of the BSU.Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
Black Awareness Week Program, 1973
This program describes events held during the first Black Awareness Week and includes a description of its purpose, a list of BSU members, speaker photographs, and the events schedule.Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
Black Awareness Week Program, 1975
These promotional materials show the event schedule for the 1975 Black Awareness Week. They also credit the College staff and Black Student Union members who contributed to organizing it.Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
BSU Membership Invitation, 1974
This recruitment letter from Black Student Union President Roxwell Robinson invites African American students accepted by Rollins College Admissions to join him at Rollins and participate in BSU activities. It demonstrates the BSU’s cooperative relationship with Rollins' administration.Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
BSU News Articles, 1973
These news articles inform students about the Black Awareness Week events schedule, the display of bronze busts of famous Black Americans in Mills Memorial Library to begin Black Awareness Week, and the results of the Black Student Union executive committee elections. The articles show BSU campus activities and involvement.Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
BSU Officers and Members, 1972-1976
These membership lists show Black Student Union members between 1972 and 1976, organized by officer status or level of activity. The 1972-1973 academic year list has the highest number of members, but all three lists have consistency in returning members.Learn more -
W & L University | Text
Copy of Letter from Homer A. Holt to T. Justin Moore (November 8, 1955)
This copy of a letter from trustee Homer A. Holt to T. Justin Moore was sent to Washington and Lee President Francis P. Gaines. In the letter, Holt explains that Gaines is getting in contact with other southern schools to battle the admissions policy of the Association of American Law Schools. Acknowledgement from Gaines' secretary is included.Learn more -
Furman University | Text
Fight Goes On, But Candidly, Is Finished
Column, entitled 'Candidly,' written by student, Chuck Graham '62, appearing in Furman's student newspaper, The Paladin, dated May 19, 1962. Graham is ending his column as he is graduating soon, but writes that the struggle for power over Furman, which 'straddles the two worlds of a narrow, denominational school and a leading educational institution,' will continue to be fought.Learn more -
W & L University | Text
Final Report for 1954 (Association of American Law Schools Special Committee on Racial Discrimination)
In this report, the Special Committee on Racial Discrimination of the Association of American Law Schools outlines its policy on racially discriminatory admissions and describes the ways in which it encourages member schools to abide by its guidelines. The Washington and Lee University School of Law is a part of the Association of American Law schools, and at the time of this report did not comply with the policy on racial discriminations.Learn more -
Furman University | Text
Hornet Poll Tabulations Indicate Liberal Trend
Editorial in The Furman Hornet student newspaper, dated November 15, 1957. The editorial discusses freedom of public expression on campus, and the results of a recent anonymous 'Hornet Poll,' showing a 'relatively large number of students favoring total or partial racial integration.' A variety of questions and results about other issues Furman students face are also mentioned.Learn more -
W & L University | Text
Letter from David F. Cavers to Francis P. Gaines (Februrary 4, 1955)
In this letter, David F. Cavers (who is Chairman of the Special Committee on Racial Discriminination of the Association of American Law Schools) writes to Washington and Lee University President Francis P. Gaines, asking him to comply with the Association's recent action against racial discrimination.Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
Memo from Alzo J. Reddick to Jack Critchfield, 1973
This memo from Alzo J. Reddick (the faculty sponsor of the Black Student Union and Assistant Dean of Student Affairs) thanks President Jack Critchfield for his support and refers to letters from community members in support of Black Awareness Week. Dean Reddick also suggests that Black Awareness Week was a mixed success, but expresses an overall positive opinion about the event.Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
Memo to the Faculty from Krisita Jackson, 1972
In Fall 1972, Black Student Union President Krisita Jackson invites all faculty members to contact the BSU office or Dean Alzo J. Reddick with any concerns about the nature of the planned Black Awareness Week. This is in response to the allocation of $2500 for the event.Learn more -
W & L University | Text
Personal and Confidential Letter from Francis P. Gaines to James R. Caskie and Homer A. Holt (Februrary 28, 1956)
In this letter, Washington and Lee President Francis P. Gaines writes to trustees James R. Caskie and Homer A. Holt about the possibility of black law students attending a convention at Washington and Lee. Caskie and Holt's responses are included.Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
Roxwell Robinson and C. LaRue Boyd Correspondence, 1976
C. LaRue Boyd, Director of Public Relations, denies BSU President Roxwell Robinson's request to display the BSU flag in front of Carnegie Hall on a regular basis, but offers the possibility of displaying the BSU flag during Black Awareness Week and on other selected dates. This correspondence demonstrates the BSU’s cooperative relationship with Rollins faculty and staff.Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
Roxwell Robinson and Jack B. Critchfield Correspondence, 1974
Black Student Union President Roxwell Robinson writes to President Jack Critchfield, requesting that the College offer at least three Black Culture courses per academic year, even in the face of financial difficulty. President Critchfield responds that he cannot make a guarantee, but that he and the administration intend to preserve Black Culture courses in the curriculum.Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
Roxwell Robinson and Paula Backscheider Correspondence, 1974
Black Student Union President Roxwell Robinson requested suggestions from Rollins College department heads about the next Black Awareness Week program, based on the theme of Black Arts. He received suggestions from a professor and her Black literature class. The correspondence demonstrates the BSU’s cooperative relationship with Rollins faculty.Learn more -
W & L University | Text
Series of Letters from Deans of Southern Law Schools
In this series of letters, Washington and Lee Trustees and President Gaines correspond with Deans of other Southern Law Schools. Their goal is to align a group of schools to protest the Association of American Law Schools' policy on desegregation of admissions.Learn more -
Furman University | Text
Student Opinion Mixed on Integration: Faculty Votes Indicate Heavy Support of Issue
An article appearing in Furman's student newspaper, The Paladin, dated December 15, 1961. The article includes the results of a recent opinion poll given to the students and faculty seeking their thoughts on the idea of admitting into Furman 'all properly qualified applicants regardless of race or color.'Learn more -
Furman University | Text
Student Unrest and the College Campus
An article written by Furman president, Gordon Blackwell, published in Furman Magazine, v. 14 (no. 3), Winter 1966. President Blackwell writes about the history of social change on college campuses thoughout the generations, as well as the current state of student unrest and social revolution at Furman in the 1960's.Learn more -
Furman University | Text
Students Accept Trustee Admission Policy 4 to 1
An article appearing in Furman's student newspaper, The Paladin, dated November 9, 1963, showing the results of a poll given to Furman students, seeking their opinions on the Furman Trustees' resolution authorizing Furman to admit all qualified applicants regardless of race or color.Learn more