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Filters: Greek letter societies, Flowers, Willie, Racism, Rollins College, Centre College Clear filters
Centre College | Text
Amidst the Trivia...Advisory Board Condems ‘White Sheets’ Dispute
Reporting on the Advisory Board meeting, during which was discussed, among other things (including the Yerkes lounge to be used by the BSU), the incident involving the Dekes wearing white sheets at the BSU basketball game, and ensuing confrontation between Dekes and members of the BSU at Cowan which resulted in a member of the Deke fraternity being injured after being struck by a glass by a member of the BSU.Learn more -
Rollins College | Image
Black Student Union, 1974-1975
Thirteen members of the Black Student Union gather for their yearbook photo. They are seated on the steps of Bush Science Center. (First row, left to right): Douglas Pollard, Denise Brookins, Blondie Jones, Priscilla Lyons, Roxwell Robinson. (Second row, left to right): Vic Crumity, Errol Cunningham, Willie Flowers, Dick Twine, Roslyn Lawson, Luther Graham, Kimberly Broxton, Sharon Israel.Learn more