The materials in the Pathways to Diversity Collection have been used to create exhibits which highlight various aspects of desegregation and integration at our respective institutions.
Commemorating Desegregation at Furman
Furman University commemorated its 50th anniversary of desegregation by exploring the events that led to this watershed moment and honoring the pioneers who fought to achieve equality at the institution.
Integration at W&L
The Washington and Lee University Board of Trustees affirmed a nondiscriminatory admissions policy in 1964, and the first Black students enrolled two years later in 1966. This site aims to provide information about the events leading up to and after Washington and Lee’s desegregation and integration.
Pathway to Diversity:
Uncovering Our Collections at Rollins College
See the progress of the grant at Rollins College and work done by students using the materials discovered.
Paving the Way
A digital collection of the work of President Walter A. Groves at Centre College, Danville, KY. Groves served as president of the college from 1948-1956, and one of his goals was admitting African-American students at Centre, a traditionally all-White college.