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Filters: Soccer, Graddy, Tim, Rollins College (Winter Park, Fla) -- Students -- Theatre, Reddick, Alzo J., 1937-, Students -- Florida -- Winter Park, 1940s Clear filters
Rollins College | Text
Annual Race Relations Meeting Programs, 1948 and 1950
Two programs that were provided for attendees at the Annual Race Relations Sunday held at Rollins College. The event focused on music, academic remarks, films, and sermons that related to racial or religious issues.Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
Annual Report of the Race Relations Committee, 1946
Carol Berkley, a member of the Race Relations Committee, describes the work of the group from January to March 1946, including holding Race Relations Sunday, volunteering at the Hungerford School, and working with local African American high schools. The description gives insight into the focus of the group from its start and how they are attempting to improve race relations locally.Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
Interracial Committee Meeting Notes, 1945
An overview of completed and planned tasks for the Race Relations Committee in November 1945. The activities show the interaction between the group and local African American community to volunteer, donate, and share ideas.Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
Mission Statement of the Inter-Faith and Race Relations Committee
A mission statement provided by the Rollins College Interfaith and Race Relations Committee regarding improving relations between various racial and religious groups. The statement uses idealistic and vague language along with war imagery to convey their dedication to the ideals of peace and prosperity of all groups.Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
Orange County Student Interracial Conference, 1945
Program for the second annual Orange County Student Interracial Conference, in which the question, "What rights, privileges and duties should the American Negro have in the years immediately following the war?" was posed. This conference was held on the Rollins campus in Knowles Memorial Chapel.Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
Race Relations Day, 1945
A Rollins Sandspur article describing the first Race Relations Sunday, which brought together white and African American residents to celebrate Race Relations Day with music, film, and speeches. Rollins' hosting of this event on campus with support from Winter Park and the Hungerford School shows local and collegiate interest in supporting African Americans.Learn more