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Filters: Robinson, Roxwell J., Jr., ca. 1954-, Thomas, Anita Louise, 1949-, Curriculum, Jackson, Krisita, ca. 1951, College theater, Soccer, Hurston, Zora Neale, 1891-1960, Cameron, Otis, 1960s Clear filters
Rollins College | Image
1967-1968 Rollins College Soccer Team Picture
The 1967 team poses for a picture for the yearbook. Sophomore Bernard “Bernie” Myers was a member of Rollins’ first integrated class in 1966.Learn more -
Furman University | Image
Joe Vaughn in 'The Firebugs'
Joseph Vaughn '68 and Linda Friddle '69 acting in the Furman Theater Guild's production of Max Frisch's comedy, 'The Firebugs.' Vaughn became the university's first African American student on Jan. 29, 1965.Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
Letter from Donald W. Hill to Joseph Taylor, 1969
The administration responds to student demands for more Black studies by creating a winter term course on "Black Literature, History and Sociology." The Dean of Rollins College consulted the Dean of Bethune-Cookman College on the structure and content of the course, demonstrating continued cooperation between the two institutions.Learn more