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Filters: Greek letter societies, Spirituals, Questionnaires, Soccer, College trustees, Gibson, Juanita, Military education, Twine, Dirk, Reese, Sarah, College integration, Crawford, Victor, Pollard, Douglas, Magazines (periodicals), Moving image Clear filters
Centre College | Moving Image
Oral history interview with Gordon and Pat Benning
Video interview with Gordon Benning, class of 1970. and his wife, Pat Benning. Mr. Benning enrolled at Centre College in 1966, just two years after the College officially integrated in 1964. Mrs. Benning, is a Danville, Ky. native, and the two dated while Mr. Benning attended Centre.Learn more -
Centre College | Moving Image
Oral history interview with Jim Davis
Video interview with Jim Davis, one of the first three African Americans to attend Centre College. Mr. Davis enrolled at Centre College in the fall of 1964 as the only African American male. He graduated in 1968.Learn more -
Centre College | Moving Image
Oral history interview with Raymond Burse
Video interview with Raymond Burse, who graduated from Centre College in 1973. Mr. Burse is a distinguished Rhodes Scholar, studied organic chemistry at Oxford, and attended Harvard Law School. He has been a member of the Centre College Board of Trustees and the president of Kentucky State University.Learn more