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Filters: Dowling, Rodney, Rollins College -- Clubs and Activities -- Race Relations, Spencer, Aaron, Cameron, Otis, Rollins College -- Clubs and Activities -- Black Student Union, Civil Rights Leaders -- Florida, Race relations, Butler, Lonnie, Boyd, C. LaRue, 1944-, Tennis, Flowers, Willie, Demographic surveys, Furman University Clear filters
Furman University | Text
Hornet Poll Tabulations Indicate Liberal Trend
Editorial in The Furman Hornet student newspaper, dated November 15, 1957. The editorial discusses freedom of public expression on campus, and the results of a recent anonymous 'Hornet Poll,' showing a 'relatively large number of students favoring total or partial racial integration.' A variety of questions and results about other issues Furman students face are also mentioned.Learn more -
Furman University | Text
Student Opinion Mixed on Integration: Faculty Votes Indicate Heavy Support of Issue
An article appearing in Furman's student newspaper, The Paladin, dated December 15, 1961. The article includes the results of a recent opinion poll given to the students and faculty seeking their thoughts on the idea of admitting into Furman 'all properly qualified applicants regardless of race or color.'Learn more -
Furman University | Text
Students Accept Trustee Admission Policy 4 to 1
An article appearing in Furman's student newspaper, The Paladin, dated November 9, 1963, showing the results of a poll given to Furman students, seeking their opinions on the Furman Trustees' resolution authorizing Furman to admit all qualified applicants regardless of race or color.Learn more