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Filters: College integration, Reddick, Alzo J., 1937-, Recreation, Butler, Lonnie, Hurston, Zora Neale, 1891-1960, Flemming, Lillian Brock, Student Center (Rollins College, Winter Park, Fla.), Animated Magazine --1940-1950, Police, South Carolina Baptist Convention, Magazines (periodicals), Text, Centre College, Rollins College Clear filters
Rollins College | Text
All De Live Long Day Program, 1934
All De Live Long Day, a program of African American folklore, music, and dance, was the second of two productions by Zora Neale Hurston to be performed on the Rollins campus during the 1930s.Learn more -
Centre College | Text
American minorities faculty questionnaire (1)
Anonymous responses to a questionnaire distributed to Centre College faculty January 24, 1949, the stated purpose of which was "to try an determine how faculty members feel about the problem of American minorities."Learn more -
Centre College | Text
American minorities faculty questionnaire (10)
Anonymous responses to a questionnaire distributed to Centre College faculty January 24, 1949, the stated purpose of which was "to try an determine how faculty members feel about the problem of American minorities."Learn more -
Centre College | Text
American minorities faculty questionnaire (11)
Anonymous responses to a questionnaire distributed to Centre College faculty January 24, 1949, the stated purpose of which was "to try an determine how faculty members feel about the problem of American minorities."Learn more -
Centre College | Text
American minorities faculty questionnaire (12)
Anonymous responses to a questionnaire distributed to Centre College faculty January 24, 1949, the stated purpose of which was "to try an determine how faculty members feel about the problem of American minorities."Learn more -
Centre College | Text
American minorities faculty questionnaire (2)
Anonymous responses to a questionnaire distributed to Centre College faculty January 24, 1949, the stated purpose of which was "to try an determine how faculty members feel about the problem of American minorities."Learn more -
Centre College | Text
American minorities faculty questionnaire (3)
Anonymous responses to a questionnaire distributed to Centre College faculty January 24, 1949, the stated purpose of which was "to try an determine how faculty members feel about the problem of American minorities."Learn more -
Centre College | Text
American minorities faculty questionnaire (4)
Anonymous responses to a questionnaire distributed to Centre College faculty January 24, 1949, the stated purpose of which was "to try an determine how faculty members feel about the problem of American minorities."Learn more -
Centre College | Text
American minorities faculty questionnaire (5)
Anonymous responses to a questionnaire distributed to Centre College faculty January 24, 1949, the stated purpose of which was "to try an determine how faculty members feel about the problem of American minorities."Learn more -
Centre College | Text
American minorities faculty questionnaire (6)
Anonymous responses to a questionnaire distributed to Centre College faculty January 24, 1949, the stated purpose of which was "to try an determine how faculty members feel about the problem of American minorities."Learn more -
Centre College | Text
American minorities faculty questionnaire (7)
Anonymous responses to a questionnaire distributed to Centre College faculty January 24, 1949, the stated purpose of which was "to try an determine how faculty members feel about the problem of American minorities."Learn more -
Centre College | Text
American minorities faculty questionnaire (8)
Anonymous responses to a questionnaire distributed to Centre College faculty January 24, 1949, the stated purpose of which was "to try an determine how faculty members feel about the problem of American minorities."Learn more -
Centre College | Text
American minorities faculty questionnaire (9)
Anonymous responses to a questionnaire distributed to Centre College faculty January 24, 1949, the stated purpose of which was "to try an determine how faculty members feel about the problem of American minorities."Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
From Sun to Sun Program, 1933
From Sun to Sun, a program of African American folklore, music, and dance, was the first of two productions by Zora Neale Hurston to be performed on the Rollins campus during the 1930s.Learn more -
Centre College | Text
Letter from Conway Boatman to Walter A. Groves stating Union College's present policy on admitting persons of color
Letter from Conway Boatman to Walter A. Groves regarding Union College's policy on raceLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Letter from H. Leo Eddleman to Walter A. Groves stating Georgetown College's present policy on admitting persons of color
Letter from H. Leo Eddleman to Walter A. Groves regarding Georgetown College's policy on raceLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Letter from Walter A. Groves to the Centre College Board of Trustees, May 12, 1950
Letter from President Groves, dated May 12, 1950, to the B.O.T. in which Groves entreats the Board to "give very careful consideration to the course they deem best to follow in the question of whether or not the college should open its doors to Negro students." Groves references Senate Bill No. 100, states his own desire to integrate the College slowly, and references the American minorities faculty questionnaire distributed in January 1949, the results of which showed a majority of faculty respondents in favor of desegregationLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Letter from Z. T. Johnson to Walter A. Groves stating Asbury College's present policy on admitting persons of color
Letter from Z. T. Johnson to Walter A. Groves regarding Asbury College's policy on raceLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Martha D. Simpson application request letter
Letter from Ms. Martha D. Simpson of Danville, KY, dated July 17, 1954, to the Centre College Office of the Dean, requesting a college catalog and application for admissionLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Martha D. Simpson rejection letter
Letter from Centre College Dean Jameson M. Jones to Ms. Martha D. Simpson, dated July 21, 1954, in which he rejects her application for admission to Centre College based upon the fact that Ms. Simpson was a graduate of Bate High School, an all-black school in Danville, and therefore assumed to be a person of color and thus not eligible for admissionLearn more -
Rollins College | Text
Memo from Alzo J. Reddick to Jack Critchfield, 1973
This memo from Alzo J. Reddick (the faculty sponsor of the Black Student Union and Assistant Dean of Student Affairs) thanks President Jack Critchfield for his support and refers to letters from community members in support of Black Awareness Week. Dean Reddick also suggests that Black Awareness Week was a mixed success, but expresses an overall positive opinion about the event.Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
Nursing Home in Sight, Mrs. Laughlin Reports, 1952
Winter Park Topics reports that the need for an African American policeman in West Winter Park was brought up at a meeting of the Woman's Club. Before the presentation about a new nursing home in west Winter Park, Bertram Scott tells the audience that the policeman would improve the safety of west Winter Park and notes that both Sanford and Orlando are ahead of Winter Park in introducing African American police officers.Learn more -
Centre College | Text
Oral history interview with Jim Davis : transcript
Written transcription of the oral history interview with Jim Davis, one of the first three African Americans to attend Centre College. Mr. Davis enrolled at Centre College in the fall of 1964 as the only African American male. He graduated in 1968.Learn more -
Centre College | Text
Race policies questionnaire (Bellarmine College)
Letter from Centre College President Walter A. Groves, dated October 18, 1954, to Bellarmine College President Alfred F. Horrigan inquiring as to Bellarmine's policies on admitting students of color, and Bellarmine's responseLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Race policies questionnaire (Berea)
Letter from Centre College President Walter A. Groves, dated October 18, 1954, to Berea College President Francis S. Hutchins inquiring as to Berea's policies on admitting students of color, and Berea's responseLearn more