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Filters: College integration, Rollins College -- Clubs and Activities -- Interfaith and Race Relations Committee, Jackson, Blanche, Borom, Grace, Edmonds, Henry Morris, 1878-1960, King, Martin Luther, Jr., (1929-1968), Alumni and alumnae, Rollins College -- Clubs and Activities -- Race Relations Committee, Barbershops, 1930s, 1950s, Text, Moving image Clear filters
Rollins College | Text
Annual Race Relations Meeting Programs, 1948 and 1950
Two programs that were provided for attendees at the Annual Race Relations Sunday held at Rollins College. The event focused on music, academic remarks, films, and sermons that related to racial or religious issues.Learn more -
Rollins College | Text
Letter from Clarence W. King to W. H. McCaully and Carl D. Buchanan, 1951
A letter to the mayor and the Chief of Police from the Race Relations Committee Faculty Advisor, communicating the group's efforts to solicit donations from a few Winter Park residents. The letter indicates that the group needed permission to raise funds for DePugh Nursing Home, a nursing home for African American residents.Learn more -
Centre College | Text
Letter from Conway Boatman to Walter A. Groves stating Union College's present policy on admitting persons of color
Letter from Conway Boatman to Walter A. Groves regarding Union College's policy on raceLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Letter from H. Leo Eddleman to Walter A. Groves stating Georgetown College's present policy on admitting persons of color
Letter from H. Leo Eddleman to Walter A. Groves regarding Georgetown College's policy on raceLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Letter from Walter A. Groves to the Centre College Board of Trustees, May 12, 1950
Letter from President Groves, dated May 12, 1950, to the B.O.T. in which Groves entreats the Board to "give very careful consideration to the course they deem best to follow in the question of whether or not the college should open its doors to Negro students." Groves references Senate Bill No. 100, states his own desire to integrate the College slowly, and references the American minorities faculty questionnaire distributed in January 1949, the results of which showed a majority of faculty respondents in favor of desegregationLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Letter from Z. T. Johnson to Walter A. Groves stating Asbury College's present policy on admitting persons of color
Letter from Z. T. Johnson to Walter A. Groves regarding Asbury College's policy on raceLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Martha D. Simpson application request letter
Letter from Ms. Martha D. Simpson of Danville, KY, dated July 17, 1954, to the Centre College Office of the Dean, requesting a college catalog and application for admissionLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Martha D. Simpson rejection letter
Letter from Centre College Dean Jameson M. Jones to Ms. Martha D. Simpson, dated July 21, 1954, in which he rejects her application for admission to Centre College based upon the fact that Ms. Simpson was a graduate of Bate High School, an all-black school in Danville, and therefore assumed to be a person of color and thus not eligible for admissionLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Race policies questionnaire (Bellarmine College)
Letter from Centre College President Walter A. Groves, dated October 18, 1954, to Bellarmine College President Alfred F. Horrigan inquiring as to Bellarmine's policies on admitting students of color, and Bellarmine's responseLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Race policies questionnaire (Berea)
Letter from Centre College President Walter A. Groves, dated October 18, 1954, to Berea College President Francis S. Hutchins inquiring as to Berea's policies on admitting students of color, and Berea's responseLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Race policies questionnaire (Brescia College)
Letter from Centre College President Walter A. Groves, dated October 18, 1954, to Brescia College President Mother Immaculata O'Reilly inquiring as to Brescia's policies on admitting students of color, and Brescia's responseLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Race policies questionnaire (Campbellsville College)
Letter from Centre College President Walter A. Groves, dated October 18, 1954, to Campbellsville President John M. Carter inquiring as to Campbellsville's policies on admitting students of color, and Campbellsville's responseLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Race policies questionnaire (Georgetown College)
Letter from Centre College President Walter A. Groves, dated October 18, 1954, to Georgetown College President H. Leo Eddleman inquiring as to Georgetown's policies on admitting students of color, and Georgetown's responseLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Race policies questionnaire (Kentucky Wesleyan College)
Letter from Centre College President Walter A. Groves, dated October 18, 1954, to Kentucky Wesleyan College President Oscar W. Lever inquiring as to Kentucky Wesleyan's policies on admitting students of color, and Kentucky Wesleyan's responseLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Race policies questionnaire (Nazareth College and Academy)
Letter from Centre College President Walter A. Groves, dated October 18, 1954, to Nazareth College and Academy President Sister Margaret Gertrude inquiring as to Nazareth's policies on admitting students of color, and Nazareth's responseLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Race policies questionnaire (St. Catherine Junior College)
Letter from Centre College President Walter A. Groves, dated October 18, 1954, to St. Catherine Junior College President Mother Margaret Elizabeth inquiring as to St. Catherine's policies on admitting students of color, and St. Catherine's responseLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Robert E. Harding, Jr. application request letter
Letter from Mr. Robert E. Harding, Jr., a student at Kentucky State University in Frankfort, KY, dated April 17, 1950, to the Centre College Registrar, requesting application materials for the summer sessionLearn more -
Centre College | Text
Robert E. Harding, Jr. rejection letter
Letter from Centre College President Walter A. Groves to Mr. Robert E. Harding, dated April 26, 1950, in which Groves rejects Harding's request for application materials for the summer session based upon the fact that Mr. Harding was a student at Kentucky State College, an all-black college in Frankfort, KY, and therefore assumed to be a person of color and thus not eligible for admissionLearn more