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Filters: Ballard, Hank -- Midnighters (Musical group), Greek letter societies, College theater, Tennis, Dance, Pollard, Douglas, Brock, J. Reginald, 1951-2015, Questionnaires, Military education, W & L University Clear filters
W & L University | Text
Letter from Barrett C. Shelton to Francis P. Gaines (March 17, 1943)
In this letter with enclosed clipping from the Southern Watchman, Publisher Barrett C. Shelton asks President Francis P. Gaines about Black W&L graduates. Gaines responds.Learn more -
W & L University | Text
Letter from Clifton A. Woodrum to Francis P. Gaines (February 16, 1943)
In this letter from U.S. Congressman and W&L Law Alumnus Clifton A. Woodrum to President Francis P. Gaines, Woodrum asks Gaines about three Black students sent to the Officers Training Corp at Washington and Lee.Learn more -
W & L University | Text
Letter from Francis P. Gaines to James R. Caskie (February 10, 1943)
In this letter from President Francis P. Gaines to Trustee James R. Caskie, Gaines and Caskie discuss the public's perception of the possibility of Black students being present on Washington and Lee's campus through the U.S. Army School.Learn more -
W & L University | Text
Letter from P. W. Turner to Francis P. Gaines (March 25, 1943)
In this letter from P. W. Turner to President Francis P. Gaines, Turner asks about the presence of Black students at Washington and Lee.Learn more